45 Years and still up for a twist!

Charles Townsend
Charles Townsend founded Townsend Textiles in 1981 after more than 10 years as European Sales Manager with two well-known British carpet manufacturers.45 years and still up for a twist!He has long been recognised by the industry as one of the …

Carpet Foundation
The Carpet Foundation is the UK's trade association for UK based carpet manufacturers and top independent retailers. Members of the Foundation use a Consumer Code of Practice which has been approved by the Trading Standards Institute …

Charles' 5 Point Plan - Durability
DURABILITY: Consider the amount of wear the carpet is likely …

Charles' 5 Point Plan - Plain or Patterned
PLAIN OR PATTERNED: If space is restricted, a plain or …

Charles' 5 Point Plan - Costs
COSTS: Manufacturing a woven "Axminster" with an intricate …

Charles' 5 Point Plan - Underlay
UNDERLAY: An important part of the overall investment. …

Charles' 5 Point Plan - Gimmicks
GIMMICKS: If you are investing in quality carpet don't …
Why Choose Townsends Carpets
I’m pleased to say I remain as passionate as ever about carpet. Opened in 1981 after 10 years as European Sales Manager with two well-known British carpet manufacturers.
Overall, quality is essential if you expect your carpet to not only wear well but to keep its appearance no matter what life throws at it. This means that I will not be selling the cheapest carpets in town, but I'm sure discerning customers will accept that and understand why.
I personally will come to your house to measure up and work out the most economical cutting plan. I am committed to completing all projects within the timeline set with clients giving my personal attention to detail.